Wednesday, September 9, 2009

J'Adore Tien Blog Award

Thank you so much Duni for J'Adore Tien Blog Award. Please visit Duni's blog, Lovely Purses. She creates very pretty bags & purses. She is very talented. Please visit her site.

The rule for these awards:
1. Add the logo to your blog
2. Link to the person from whom you've received the awards
3. Nominate blogs of your choice
4. Leave a message on the nominees blogs

Here are the bloggers that I'd like to pass this chic new award, congratulation!:
1. Tictacdough

2. Little Studio Photography & Jewelry

3. All These Things

4. Crafts & Cooking

5. Cross Stitched by Wendy

6. Nfall2rt design studio

7. Avlor's Imprints

Have a great day guys & thanks for looking, rkdsign88