Thank you so much to AquariCreations and mandreacarreiro who included my arts as part as their gorgeous treasuries. Here are some of their great crafts fresh from their shops.
Sweet Green Sea Turtle Bracelet by AquariCreations
Lovely St. Francis - Handsculped clay Art Doll by mandreacarreiro
Title: She loves cupcakes - red hair by rkdsign88
Originally the hair is brown, but now is available in red hair too.
This is a print from my original acrylic painting. The red hais is colored digitally.
Size 5"x7" including 1/4" white border around the picture. Signed & titled by me on the back.
The print is available at my etsy shop.
Holidays is coming. At least, less traffic at my city, and more sales every where at malls.
Weather is so hot, but cloudy and not raining at all. This type of weather is mostly makes people catch flue more easily. Too bad there are no real snow for Christmas in here. I miss the snow in Wisconsin though.
I hope everyone enjoy this Holidays Season.
Thank you so much for looking & have a wonderful day!