Printable Monthly Cute Wall Calendar 2010
(This is a PDF File not actual paper)
Punch holes & put ribbons on the top, they become very sweet gifts.
The calender size approx. 3.5 x 7.75 inches (9 x19.5 cm)
You will receive Instruction and 4 templates (3 months in each template).
The illustrations are made from my original sketches and have been digitally colored.
This cute printable wall calendar is formatted in letter size (8.5 x 11 inches), however it can be printed for A4 size paper too.
If you want to purchase the "actual calendar" not the PDF file, you can contact me so I can reserve it for you..
This Printable Monthly Cute Wall Calendar 2010 PDF Files is available at my etsy shop.
This gorgeous So Pink and Sweet Treasury is created by Magic Lace
Thank you so much for including "My sunshine" as part of your sweet treasury.
White Lace Grass Green and Pink Crushet Flower Pin Plus pink beads from Magic Lace.
Thank you so much for looking & have a wonderful weekend!